
branding & web

Helping to elevate businesses through the use of strategic design that attracts their dream audience and converts.

Graphic designer

Kimberly Ward

Specializing in customized branding, logo, and web design.


A sampling of some key projects

slide ads

Miscellaneous STEM in 30 Projects

STEM in 30 Website Thumbnails

2024 Various Promotional Collateral

Exploring Space 2024 Promotional Illustration

STEM in 30 Season 8

STEM in 30 Season 9

Stem in 30 Season 10 Thumbnails

Soar Together May 2024

Soar Together June 2024

Soar Together March 2024

NASM Adventures in Aviation

Smithsonian NASM Glenn Lecture 2023

DWB Vacations

Healing Hands of Faith



branding and web design

that is tailored to you

Custom Branding

Tell the world what you’re all about and easily attract your target audience through customized, strategic branding.

Web Design

Bring your brand to the internet through a branded site so that you can easily be found on the web and sell without even trying.

Your brand is as unique as you are. Make sure the world knows.
Learn more

“Testimonials, as authentic endorsements from satisfied customers, serve as potent social proof, significantly inspiring trust in potential consumers.”

Customer Name

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For brand and logo packages, the process typically takes 2-5 weeks. Web design projects can take from 3-8 weeks, depending on scope and other constraints.

All branding starts with a logo, an alternate logo, a brand guide (so you always know what colors to use and how to apply your logo), a pattern and 2-3 additional branding marks so you can add branded accents to anything.

The web design package starts with up to 10 pages, built on a fully responsive (aka mobile friendly!) customized WordPress template. Woocommerce integration is included if needed.

Branding starts at $650. Any extras (collateral, templates for social media, etc.) will add to this price.

Web design starts at $1000, with any pages beyond 10 costing $30/page. Custom web design is $1400.

Absolutely! I understand that design is an investment, and that it requires budgeting. If you need a payment plan, just let me know so I can factor it into our contract and schedule the invoices!

I require half of the total cost up front as a retainer fee, unless our payment plan requires otherwise.